I was thinking about how much I love the simplicity and honesty of Folk Art and it gave me the idea for this holiday tree lesson.
These were made by Kindergarten students. It's basically printmaking with a cardboard tool and using your fingers for the ornaments.
- Show them how to make the basic tree shape by creating a mountain or a triangle shape with the cardboard tool.
- Use the same cardboard tool to fill in the tree. I actually have them say all together "press, lift, press, lift". Otherwise, they may forget and start using the tool like a brush. Once we say it a few times they remember.
- Next, yes, here it comes...finger painting for the ornaments.
- Demonstrate using one finger for each color. Finish one color of ornament, then move on to the next color, etc.
- Demonstrate leaving plenty of space for the ornaments, otherwise, they may fill up the tree completely.
- These are about 8x10 or so and we finished in one 45 minute class period.
These are beautiful. Great choice of colours too, what a cool idea :)